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Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd.

Led Magnifying Vanity Mirrior Among Led Bath Mirror

Among the led bath mirror, it has many other functions apart from it can control light through touching switch. Its common functions are demist, playing music and magnifying glass. Now let me tell you the its magnifying function of led magnifying vanity mirror. This kind of mirror with magnifying glass is also called bath mirror with magnifying glass, its characteristic is there is magnifying glass on its surface, it is convenient for you to use in your daily life, like shaving.
The multiplying power of this kind of magnifying glass is three times, its multiplying power can be customized according to you. Besides, the location of magnifying glass is also important, it can be put on the right of mirror surface, it can also be put on the low right, low left or in the middle. The size of Among the led bath mirror, it has many other functions apart from it can control light through touching switch. Its common functions are demist, playing music and magnifying glass. Now let me tell you the its magnifying function of led magnifying vanity mirror. This kind of mirror with magnifying glass is also called bath mirror with magnifying glass, its characteristic is there is magnifying glass on its surface, it is convenient for you to use in your daily life, like shaving.

The multiplying power of this kind of magnifying glass is three times, its multiplying power can be customized according to you. Besides, the location of magnifying glass is also important. It can be put on the right of mirror surface, it can also be put on the low right, low left or in the middle. The size of magnifying glass can also be customized. Beside, led magnifying vanity mirror in market now can add magnifying glass, if you need led magnifying vanity mirror, you can just choose the style and then let manufacturers design it.

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