Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. English
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. + 86 571 82755539
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. Info@hangzhoumirror.com
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd.

Bathroom Lamp Lens Has So Much Advantage, You Still Do Not Try?

Put a led illuminated bathroom mirror in the bathroom. This bathroom lighting method is simple and beautiful, and there are many benefits that you have never thought of.

· The light above the mirror is often reflected in the mirror, and the bright light is very glaring. If you hide the light strip after the mirror, you won't let the bright light source appear in the field of view.

· Because the light source comes from the direction of the mirror, using the mirror to hide the light pool, you can avoid the shadow cast by the ceiling light on the face, which is super easy to use as a makeup mirror.

· Led illuminated bathroom mirror often uses LED lights, which are more energy efficient than ordinary light sources. It's not afraid to pay for the lights for the whole night!

· Turn off the other light sources, leaving only the mirror backlight strip, you will be immersed in a very different gentle and soothing atmosphere. It's brighter than candlelight, and it's more relaxing than other lights. It's so suitable for a bath with relaxing music.

· The rear light source makes the outline of the mirror stand out from the wall surface, and the layering effect of the wall is increased by the light and shadow effect. What is the use of this layering? It can make your bathroom "deeper" without taking up extra space, and visually increase the bathroom space!

· Soft mirror light lets you always show the best state in the mirror, and it will make people more confident. Self-confidence is awesome cosmetics!

· The use of led illuminated bathroom mirror is still very trendy in the bathroom decoration, and the actual operation is particularly simple. Use this your home before the popularity of this lighting scheme. It is easier to show personality and style and let the visiting relatives and friends compliment your taste in home furnishing.


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