Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. English
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. + 86 571 82755539
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd. Info@hangzhoumirror.com
Hangzhou Spremium Bathroom Co., Ltd.

Led Light up Makeup Mirror With Intelligent Touch Switch is Simple and Fashion

Simple and fashion led light up makeup mirror embellishes our warm houses in terms of appearance. It not only can dress up but also beautify our small space.

Our led light up makeup mirror also has the following advantages:

1. Various designs match various styles
2. High definition coated glasses are clear and real.
3. Highlight Led is with bright and warm light.
4. Intelligent touch switch and hanging fixed installment.
5. It is suitable for dresser in the bedroom and bathroom.

It sounds like that making led light up makeup mirror is easy with light source and mirror surface. There is need for high color value and high brightness for doing that. Generally speaking, color value stands for the validity of color, lower color value will make the color in the mirror more inaccurate, it also make it difficult for distinguishing similar colors. Brightness has something to do with validity, higher brightness will be with higher validity, it will be easier to find out the problem in the process of make up. At present, the testing distance is 10cm far from mirror surface, the brightness of make mirror in China is about 150-300lux, but high-end makeup mirror will up to 1100lux, which is several times of common mirror. Therefore, making a good led light up makeup mirror needs a good plan, we hope our makeup mirror will meet your requirements.
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